Friday, 29 July 2011

Day 3 Del Mar California

Day 3 Del Mar

We went and actually found downtown La Jolla which is a lovely place by the sea and I was particularly pleased to visit because my Dad used to go to the Oceanographic Institute there (I presume to do research or lecture?); Mum and Dad spent some very good times in La Jolla over the years.

Surfer dude who took the pic
Our daily pic was the most exciting thing that happened, because we accosted a young man coming up from surfing at the beach. He was very happy to take our picture and then T explained that we also would like a photo of him. Tim explained it quite badly and the guy was nodding and smiling but then said “Say what?”  Anyway, all ended well and the police weren’t called. When we were coming back from our dinner later and were laughing at how funny it was, Bill said “I just hope we never see that guy again” and seconds later he went passed us on a zebra crossing. He gave us a jolly wave so I think we got away with it.
Day 3 Del Mar

There was plenty of sunshine in the end although it cools down considerably in the evenings. While the Californians are very into their organic food, sustainably sourced etc, they have no qualms whatsoever about lighting big patio heaters so we can all sit outside after the sun goes down without having to wear woolly jumpers!
Tim prefers the beach to the pool and found himself a few feet away from a seal which was heading right to left down the coast. Bella was concerned because she thought seals might well maul humans. Bella and her Malls....
Yesterday I got my Torrey Canyons muddled with my Torrey Pine Nature Reserve. One is an oil slick, the other is a nice place to go for a walk.
Roger and out

Coffee in La Jolla
Miso Soup

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